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Tuesday 22 November 2011

outright ban on smoking in cars is the only way to protect children from second-hand smoke

Smoking in cars
Smoking in cars

Dr Richard Lewis argues an outright ban on smoking in cars is the only way to protect children from second-hand smoke

THE British Medical Association’s Board of Science last week published a report on smoking in cars which has generated a lively debate.

The review of the scientific evidence shows smoking in vehicles exposes non-smokers to very high levels of secondhand smoke.

The Welsh Health Survey has found 48% of smokers said that they smoke while driving – this figure is very worrying as much for the individual as those who may be affected secondarily. Second-hand smoke has been widely recognised as a major public health issue.

It is estimated to be responsible for the premature deaths of 23 children and 4,000 adults in the UK every year, and is also well known to contribute to multiple and preventable illnesses.

While the adverse health effects of tobacco smoke are widely known, many people may not be aware the residual toxins from tobacco smoke remain in the interior of vehicles long after a cigarette has burned out.

Tobacco smoke contains 4,000 known chemicals and when produced in enclosed spaces both the smoker and passenger have concentrated exposure to these toxins, even if the driver refrains from smoking while others are present in the vehicle.

Children and vulnerable adults are particularly at risk.

There is also a risk to road safety associated with the physical act of smoking.

There is some evidence that drivers who smoke are at greater risk of accidents than those who do not.

Of course, it is not the only nor the prime contributor to accidents but the Driving Standards Authority has updated the Highway Code to include smoking under the list of distractions from safe driving.

It must be right to protect our children and others from the adverse health effects of second hand smoke.

While controversial, it is difficult to see how this can be achieved other than through an outright ban on smoking in cars.

Simply applying a ban only when children are occupants would be difficult to enforce.

Some, of course, would argue that educating people on the dangers, with the expectation behaviour will change, should be sufficient, and of course it should be but the evidence suggests otherwise.

Most adults will have the option to leave a smoky car, children and other vulnerable groups such as the elderly and disabled are dependent on their parents, guardians or carers. These groups are therefore not free to make the same choices and may be at greater risk of inhaling toxic fumes.

The ban would also promote the message that tobacco smoke is harmful regardless of who is in the vehicle.

Smoke-free legislation in public places has been highly effective in reducing exposure to second-hand smoke in public places.

Evidence suggests it has resulted in a number of health benefits, including lower hospital admissions.

Studies also note a reduction in the prevalence of certain diseases.

Public support of the legislation has also increased as has compliance.

The extension of this legislation to include private vehicles will see these benefits continue and will strengthen Wales’ wider tobacco control strategy.

Earlier this year, the Welsh Government pledged its commitment to creating a smoke-free society, launching a three-year public awareness campaign to highlight the dangers of second-hand smoke and smoking in cars.

If the campaign is unsuccessful in changing behaviours, the Welsh Government has indicated it will introduce legislation to enforce a ban.

Voluntary measures alone have limitations in achieving behaviour change and we strongly believe the Welsh Government should consider using its new legislative powers in this area.


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